Category Archives: Uncategorised

The Conversation: Challenges ahead for retirees

Great article from The Conversation on the psychological challenges associated with letting go from the life of a dedicated athlete. Do athletes think about this enough while they are riding the big waves of sporting excellence? Research has shown that athletes who prepare for retirement and start the thinking process early actually perform better as athletes … Continue reading The Conversation: Challenges ahead for retirees

Group Therapy And Discussions

Aliquam finibus nunc justo, vel facilisis nulla eleifend quis. Suspendisse justo purus, fringilla vitae ipsum a, fringilla vestibulum nibh. Mauris fermentum facilisis tortor. Quisque mollis lacus eu nibh vestibulum semper. Quisque ut sem id nisi malesuada dictum. Pellentesque at augue vel ante iaculis rutrum sit amet id justo. Donec ante nisi, cursus a faucibus scelerisque, … Continue reading Group Therapy And Discussions